Yesterday I mashed the bubur ayam my dad made. Mashed about a bowl of it and used the syringe to suck them in and squirt slowly into mouth. Sadapnya.
Later when mum came back, did the same for the KFC mashed potato. Sadap as well.
Let's see.. had some pudding via the syringe. some calci-yumm yoghurt. Sigh... the tummy wants to eat a lot, but the mouth tires of the effort. Furthermore there's this sharp wire poking from inside the wired mouth and my tongue is really being punctured here and there I think. It has only been 8 days.
I haven't gotten tired of Ensure. I just got tired of vanilla flavored Ensure though. Thank goodness there's chocolate and strawberry flavor.
My chin is tingly!!!! It's sort of annoying and irritating sometimes. You know the feeling your legs get when their asleep after being in an unconfortable situation for sometime and then they're all numb and starts to get tingly to get 'alive'?.. that's what how my chin feels like.. sometimes they go on and on and on...
my left eye still cannot close properly..
Went for a review again today. had a mouth cleaning done. had x-rays done.
next appointment is next week.
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