I had actually tapau-ed the steamed fish because we couldn't finish it at the restaurant. So, that late afternoon, i had another go at the fish. This time I had it with a half-boiled egg. While maneuvering the fish and the egg around my palate, I heard a soft popping sound. After a while i began to really notice the sound. The pop- pop sound came when I was trying to make chewing motion with my jaws. I can't really chew yet so I was sort of practicing the movement. The sound came from my left jaw. Hm...
I had maggi for breakfast this morning. Huh.. it's not exactly nutritious but it's just something different. I could hear the soft 'popping' sound again.
Eyebrow : minute creasing on immobile left
eye : inability to fully close left eye still. still practicing forcefull closure
nose : left nostril still unable to kembang :) heheh
cheek : slight pain when the spot next to the left nostril is pressed. left cheek not as rounded as right. palsy effect still around.
lip : lower left quadrant still numb. so's the gingiva (gums) If not careful, drooling happens..
chin : numb. tingling and sometimes an itchy sensation occurs, though when I put my hand up to scratch the itch, i can't feel a thing.
smile : still lopsided. If I do laugh, my right eye would become a mere slit while the left remain rounded (very eery... i think). However, there is a slight improvement with the crease of the smile on my left.
1 comment:
u crack me up.. :) why have u not answered my text messages?? hope u are okay.. hugs
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