Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Appointment again..

Let's see...

It's now april.. and this is going to be only the 3rd time this year i'm visiting the dentist. Government... dare i complain? I should be getting these braces off by this time had i done that surgery last year november!
It has been a long wait..it has.
And this afternoon... i will be going to the Klinik Kesihatan Luyang for the 3rd checkup of the year!.. only the 3rd.. and i wonder what news mine ears will be hearing..
dare i (again) hope?
* oo.. we still haven't got news from the OT department... i think you still have to wait la aa...
*oo... the hospital hasn't given positive respond to our many requests... you are lucky.. some other critical patients still are yet to be operated... be patient la a..
* oo... no news yet la...
* oo.. next week, are you free for the operation?
Hahahaahahaha.. if the answer would be like the last option above, I would be the jolliest of the jolly-wannabe depression-induced-by-nonexistant-treatment lady.

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