Wednesday, December 17, 2008

booking flight?

It's bad. Going to have to do something to make it better.

Yesterday's visit to the doc revealed a necessary endeavor on my part.
It seems that most major surgery that would require more than a couple of hours will not be done here in KK. Instead, most patients have their cases transferred to other hospitals in the West Malaysia. Me? I am ready...I should have had my surgery already by now. Waiting until the hospital here is in operable condition is going to be hell since the new hospital will not be operative even by May next year. Bloody long time...
So, the option? Have my case transferred to a better equipped hospital in Kajang or Seremban. Doc Devi reassured me that she will do her best to help me with my long awaited surgery. That's the best she can do to help.
Methinks that's my best option.

Thursday, December 11, 2008


Got a call this morning from the Clinic... telling me that my appointment is postponed..again!!! From the 2nd to today to 16th... Aih...

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Next visit

so.. my next visit to the dentist will be on the 11th. It was supposed to be on the 2nd but it had to be postponed (nothing new..) as the dentist was going to be away for holidays and will only be back on the 11th. Sigh... after three years as her patient, Dr. Devi will no longer be my orthodontist.. Dr. Devi will transfer back to Semenanjung. Dr. Fatimah will be my new orthodontist. This coming appointment will be my last session with Dr. Devi.

Siiiiiiiigh... i guess i'll be choosing a new o-ring color for my brackets. I sound quite unenthusiastic about this visit because I am not. If QEH weren't in a sad state of decay... ( not exactly the right word but at the state I'm feeling...decay is just my teeth if they're kept in these braces any longer..) I'd be on my way recuperating from my jaw surgery at this moment...

On the other hand, (trying to uplift myself now..) if I did go through the surgery AND recuperating now... I wouldn't have had the fun of attending and joining the many courses I have joined so far (read my other blog).

So... be patient my impatient and frustrated heart. So, what color? What I have on my teeth are two different shades of blue. Maybe Red (again), green (again)?..

Saturday, November 8, 2008


I had hoped by now i'd be really psyching myself up for the op.
but the op is not going to happen yet. QEH is disintegrating. And thats disgusting.
What's worse, there is no alternative date for the op. Some other date for me to hold on to.
Just so that I can plan what not to do and can do. So for now I have to reorganize my thoughts. I'll have to learn how not to be too whimsical. Damn..

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Besi bukan melulu

Me la dis.
What color of o-rings were these? Maroon or dark-red I think. Notice that the bottom teeth aren't so aligned with the top. That will also be one of the things the oral surgeon will adjust during the surgery. The top midline will be aligned to the bottom midline. And notice also my lower jaw is slightly askewed to the right. Another point to correct.

Monday, October 20, 2008


Drat drat drat... my surgery is postponed to a date unconfirmed.
I was told that the OT is under renovation or something, and only emergency or elective cases are being performed. My case is what they categorize as non-elective cases or non emergency. Haiya... what a blow... how disappointing... I was looking forward to the surgery already.
Drat drat drat!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008


I've been searching for infos on jaw surgery for a while now. Once I've found one good link, it's sort of surprising(it shouldn't be) how many other links there are on this topic.
I haven't told a lot of people about my upcoming surgery because I guess I know what some of the response would be. Those whom I know who would be supportive would say things like," Good luck for you then. I'd do the same if I were in your shoes," or "You'd look different eh?" or the funnier ones would say," So, don't forget to keep ur braces, we might want to use them for straightening our teeth."
I thought I needed to explain why I will be away from work two days shy of the actual school holidays and the response was, (after I explained the procedures - which i think now I needn't have) "why are you going to such procedures to trouble yourself?" as if I was wasting my time. It didn't occur to that person that it was MY trouble, and not others. I also guess that she thinks it's a vanity sake. So, i went and explained some more about the trouble I've had for so long of not being able to chew properly...blablabla... She (opps...i've let out the gender) still looked sceptical for some unknown reason.
I've also been in touch with Anthony( this person who posted his jaw surgery on youtube) and asked him some questions about the recovery. Quite helpful.
I'll try to post some photos of me before, during and after surgery, if i don't become too lethargic or groggy from the medication.
till then.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

gotta start from somewhere

Well, decided to blog elsewhere just to separate one aspect of me life. My gigi besi, as Tn RMO calls it (henceforth used by other friends), and later used by moi myself, is quite a part of my life now. It has been for the past three years and one day.
Yes, yesterday 3 years ago, was the day I first was introduced to these braces. It has been an adventure of sorts. The visits to the dentist, the 'accidents' of terkait the metal wires to the insides of my mouth, my tongue tersangkut wire lalu berdarah, the mouth ulcers... macam2..
I've also made a journal of sorts of all the visits i've made to the dentist. Pictures? of course. monthly pics of me. later i will slowly post them. it will always be a reminder of me before and after braces and surgery. Till then. Ciau babes.