Saturday, April 20, 2013

4 years after surgery. 3 years after debanding. I still have remnants of my face palsy but i get by.  Still feel glad that I can bite a hangnail, I can bite and rip open plastic wrapped food.


Cody@Farid said...

Masih hidup baa + tambah gondootss wakkkaaakaa

Velink said...

Hi, it took me 10 years to have the courage to receive treatment. Thank you for inspiring me to be brave on my journey.

MansauAnsau said...

Hello Velink, congratulations on taking the plunge. It will be painful but have faith that you will have the smile you wanted. Enjoy the journey.

MansauAnsau said...

Hello Velink, congratulations on taking the plunge. It will be painful but have faith that you will have the smile you wanted. Enjoy the journey.